Greer Marns, wrote on March 6, 2016:

Los Aves: A Venezuelan Island in the middle of nowhere

We took off downwind for a 3 day passage on route to Bonaire. We haven’t done a lot of downwind sailing until this passage and I have decided that I LIKE IT. The new sail plan of two wing ‘n’ wing ‘code Zero’ foresails worked a treat and we coasted all the way to Los Aves, a pristine Venezuelan archipelago nestled around 80 miles off the South American mainland.  



Venezuela is currently a no go zone for yachts and has become so unstable that Colombia has closed it’s borders with it’s troubled neighbour.  But the offshore islands are a little too far away for Venezuelan pirates and are deserted apart from a few fishermen, a whole bunch of birds and one impressive looking scorpion who joined us for a beach bonfire on our second night at anchor…



Los Aves translates to ‘The Birds’  and it was thick with frigates, booby birds, feathers and guano…



We took a dinghy trip around the east side of the island and up the extensive channels that wind their way inland. We got to ooh and aghhh over a squillion white, fluff ball booby chicks that we found perching throughout the emerald green foliage fringing the tidal, mangrove waterways. Los Aves was a lovely, isolated stop before we took off to the Dutch Antilles…




Next Post: Bonaire!

This entry was posted in The Sail.

3 thoughts on “Los Aves: A Venezuelan Island in the middle of nowhere

  1. Granny and Papa, 21 July 7:20 am

    Another great post!

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